Linking up with my sweet friends, Charlotte and Lindsay from Peaceful Posse. I'm so happy it's the weekend. This summer is flying by and it's good to take a pause once in a while to reflect. Here is my list of what made me happy this week. Normally I have pics to follow my posts but surprisingly enough, I didn't take many pictures this week.
1. The Community Center where Jake goes to daycare hired a new director. Thank GAWD. I was sick of complaining about the lack of leadership.
2. Coffee. You help me through the mornings.
3. Headed up north today for our annual camping trip with the fam. Can't wait!!
4. The other night I walked by the bedroom caught a glimpse of Jason putting laundry away and Jake on the floor belting out the song to Mulan. Where ever Jason is, Jake isn't far behind.
5. I received my order of ThinSlim bread. I haven't had bread in 4 months so this satisfied my craving.
7. Sunny days!!
8. Discovering back roads so that my commute isn't so bad. I love living in the country but unfortunately all those cabin bound drivers make my life a nightmare, every Friday after work. For that reason, I am ready for summer to be over.
9. All Things Herbal Almond Oatmeal hand lotion. Love it!
10. I may not post every single day but reading all the blogs on the PP group makes me happy. I try to show love as much as possible. Lots of talented writers/bloggers. Happy to be a part of the group. xxoo