Jake turns 18 months today. WOW!! Where did time go???
Jake is doing a lot of things. He is now saying Mama and Dada. He is cruising around the furniture and is
soooo close to walking. He LOVES his therapist Audrey. So much so that when I pick him up after his session he doesn't want to come with me. Jake is sleeping like a champ. He is taking good naps and sleeping through the night. Jake loves to eat and I haven't found a food he doesn't like yet. His favorites are bananas and blueberries.
One of Jake's favorite things to do is plan on the new sectional with Mom and Dad. We spend most of our evenings after dinner hanging on the couch. He crawls back and forth and back and forth. Jake is a happy little boy and we are so lucky to have him.
Happy 18
th month little Buggy!!